Monday, July 11, 2011

| by Posted by My Medical Information


Three Types of Infections

Humans throughout history have survived through war and natural disasters, but no single entity has stricken man’s existence, quite like infections. Although Malaria, the Swine Flu (H1N1), West Nile Virus, Staph Infection, Lime Disease, Tuberculosis have plagued humans in a variety of ways, each one is an infection. Infections may vary within their attack, but each infection has closely related initial symptoms. All infections normally begin with a fever, inflammation in the esophagus, and a constant cough. Each infection also enters the body in the same fashion; by bacterial or viral organisms entering in through an open orifice (mouth, ears, nose, eyes, a cut or a lesion). While each infection may hold different properties internally, each is categorized under three different types of infections.

1. Internal Bacterial Infections: Bacteria is a single celled microscopic organism. Although bacteria is perceived as a negative organism, it can actually enhance our body. During digestion a humans body will use several thousand bacteria to properly retain nutrients and rid of any waste. When an individual receives a flu shot or vaccination he/she will be injected with just a miniscule amount of that certain bacteria. This practice allows your body to understand and eventually become immune to any similar infections. There are actually millions of bacteria in the world, most of which will not harm any human body. In fact, only one percent will harm any individual. In the event of contracting one of the infectious bacteria, it could potentially make you ill. During the bacteria initial entry into the body, it will release chemicals, called toxins, which can potentially damage internal cells and tissue. In order to properly eliminate a living infectious bacteria, one must retain compous amounts of water, and a daily or, bi-daily antibiotic. The water allows your body to flush out your current toxins, while allowing the antibiotics to fight any remaining infectious bacteria.
2. Viral Infections: Viral infections are composed of microscopic one celled organisms. These organisms are much smaller than bacteria organism. In essence, each organism is built like a microscopic pill. This pill upon entry into your body (normally through an open orifice a mouth, a nose, a ear, or a cut), will split, releasing genetic material inside. Once the pill has opened, it becomes an internal hijacker. Each piece of genetic material will attach itself onto all ready existing genetics. If the infections, morph enough of your genetic material, it will render your body ill, or even death.
3. External Bacterial Infections: There are a very rare grouping of aggressive external bacterial infections. The infections will normally contact your body through a constant irritation or external contact with another infected individual. These infections can range from Impetigo, Erythrasma, or Erysipelas. Each infection if caught at the proper time, can be cured through the constant application of cream. If not, surgery may be necessary.

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