Dry throat? Coughing? Inflammation? You may have a throat infection. Throat infections effect millions of people each year. The pain can range from a mild annoyance to a unbearable suffering. Although symptoms may range, the cause is quite simple; micro-organisms. This potential mild annoyance must be taken care of, because if left alone, throat infections have been known to lead to further respiratory issues and kidney problems. For generations individuals relied on pharmaceutical items to cure their infection. The past few years it has been discovered that an organic method is the best remedy for an infection. If the organic method seems a bit out of reach, a quick at home remedy is always an easy way to cure the infection.
1. Chamomile Tea: An incredible organic drink that is known as one of the best remedies for a strep throat and other throat infections.
2. Sage: This herb is the perfect deterrent for inflammation in the throat. This can be ingested; through a pill form or blended with a tea. This will not completely rid your infection but it will subside the pain.
3. Crushed Garlic: This may not sound like the most appetizing dish, but may just be the remedy that makes your infection go away. If you are not up for the task of chewing a raw piece of crushed garlic, the garlic may be added as a spice to a light dish.
4. Salt: In order for an infection to survive it requires bacteria. Gargling salt water can fight and potentially eliminate bacteria from your infected throat.
5. Temperature: Maintaining a warm temperature, while increasing the air humidity within your bedroom is key to killing the infection’s bacteria. An individual’s sleep is when the body fights best against infections and in order to be able to put up the best fight, the room must retain the correct temperature.
6. Beverage Temperature: It is recommended to refrain from drinking any beverages that are really cold or really hot. This severe temperature change can irritate the throat, enhancing the infection.
7. Lavender Oil: This simple ingredient dropped twice on your bed can be the difference in a few days of your recovery. This oil invigorates your body with the necessary vitamins and antibodies to fight your current throat infection.
8. Rosemary and Thyme: These two herbs combined create the perfect storm to fight any throat infection. These two herbs can either be ingested in a pill form or ground up in tea.
9. Peppermint: Out of the entire list, this specific item may taste the best. No matter how you ingest it; pill, candy, or tea, this product can ease any infection.
10. Soft Foods: This malleable remedy is the easiest to access out of the entire list. Soup, mashed potatoes, or yogurt can all substitute as a great remedy for your current infection.
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